Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Floor is Lava!

On Monday we wrote about volcanoes and it was all about what we knew about volcanoes. We described what a volcanic eruption is like. We all had to use fun, exciting words not boring words.

It was fun because every single volcano picture was amazing and we tried our best.

It was hard to think  of interesting words.

Our next steps are to publish our lovely writing and hang it up and maybe it can go in the newsletter.


  1. Malo e leilei Harris Class. I'm so proud of how you worked together on this blog post. This is the first time I've seen the photos and they look fantastic! Like Miss Nodder said I think you've used some super similes. Today I was walking on the beach and I learnt about how a volcano filled some underground rivers with lava and you can still see those shapes on the cliffs. Very cool! Are you going to be doing any more learning about volcanoes?

  2. Hello my name is Cheryl and I go to Makauri School.
    I think volcanoes are really interesting. I know that poisonous gas comes out of them and that is dangerous.
    From Cheryl.

    1. My name is Nivayah from makauri School.
      I think volcanoes are very dangerous.
      I like playing floors lather.
      I think volcanoes are very dangerous because gas comes out of it and it can make you die.

    2. Hello my name is Bailey I am from Makauri School.
      I think volcanoes are very dangerous There's gases that come out of them and they can kill
      you before the lava dies.

    3. My name is Lucas do you know I like and hello my name I like how you did the volcano Writing I like volcanoes and it is You know can tell you a bit of my stuff that I can do volcano gass is Dangerous because it is dangerous because it is Poisonous cheryl

  3. Hello my name is Harry I am from Makauri School. Lava is not good for you. It can burn you.

  4. Hello my name is kayley And I go to makauri school. Volcanoes are dangerous because gas comes out of it can kill you

  5. Hello my name Xavier. I go to Makauri school. Volcanoes are really dangerous they are really hot too.and And get burnt . it is hotter then A fire.

  6. Hi my name is Jackson and I get to Makauri School. I Heard that you shouldn't go by volcano Because They are dangerous.

  7. Hello my name isJack and I'm from makauri school.
    Volcanoes are very dangerous. And one imprtant thing about volcanoes there are things that I can't see it's just something that you cannot see Its Called gas.

    1. Hollo my name is Lukas. I go to Makauri School. I know that volcanoes have very Dangerous With Very Poisonous Gas.

  8. Hi my name is Britta from makauri school. volcanos are very dangerous because they have Poisonous gas.

  9. Hello My name is Luca and I am from Makauri school.
    and lava is very very hot.

  10. Hello my name is ella. And I go to Makauri school . Lava is Dangerous. Don't go near it.

  11. Hello my name is cade and I am from Makauri School.. Volcanoes are cool volcanoes are scary and have bad gases.

  12. My name is Johnny and I am from makauri school and there was gas in the lava.

  13. Hello my name is Tylar. I go to Makauri School. Volcanoes are very dangerous

  14. Hello my name is joseph. I Go to Makauri School I know volcanoes are very dangerous. Volcanoes explode With l Lava. If you touch the Lava You will die And there are poisonous gasses around the volcano. Volcanoes Go bang with Lava. Volcanoes are fascinating Because they have Lava inside them
